
Accelerating the Delignification of Ipomoea Carnea Jacq by using Chemical Additives

Preeti Nandkumar

Laboratory scale alkaline pulping studies were carried out by the addition of different quinone dosages. It was observed that varied physical properties were seen by the addition of different anthraquinone and other quinone additives. In this study, anthraquinone was more effective in improving the yield. Chemical additives react with lignin during the process of delignification and thus, accelerate delignification and stabilize carbohydrate to give higher pulp yield.

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  • CAS
  • Google Académico
  • Abrir puerta J
  • Infraestructura Nacional del Conocimiento de China (CNKI)
  • CiteFactor
  • Cosmos SI
  • MIAR
  • Laboratorios secretos de motores de búsqueda
  • Pub Europeo
  • Universidad de Barcelona

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