Analysis of crystalline state properties of chalcogenide crystals with antifluoride structure
Biswajit Ghatak, Jagdhar Mandal
Hellmann andAli-Hasan forms of repulsive potential functions haave been applied to compute the values of cohesive energy, force constant, I.R. absorption frequency, Debye temperature, Gruneisen parameter, Anderson Grûneisen parameter and Moelwyn-Hughes parameter for 14 chalcogenide crystals of antifluoride structure are reported. Calculations are also performed for the estimation of first order volume dependence of Gruneisen parameter commonly known as second Grûneisen parameter using expressions of higher order derivatives of interaction potential within the frame work of Dugdale and Mac Donald theory. The high pressure behaviour of these crystals have also been studied. The results obtained here may add a little to the physics and chemistry of these crystals it may be useful for experimentalists also.