
Antioxidant isoflavonoids from rhizomes of Iris kumaonensis

Narendra Singh, Mahesh Srivastava, Dhiraj Yadav, Anju Saxena

The antioxidant activity of isoflavonoids namely irigenin, iristectorin-A, tectoridin and tectorigenin isolated from the methanolic extract of Iris Kumaonensis rhizome was assayed by ABTS mediated TEAC methods. These compoundsweremoderate to good in antioxidant activities. Irigenin is responsible for better anti-oxidant properties reported here for the first time. Structures of the compounds were elucidated by classical spectroscopic methods like IR, 1D, 2D NMR and comparison with literature data.

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  • Pub Europeo

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