Biodegradation of anthracene by diazotrophic bacteria Azotobacter vinelandii
K.G.Maske, A.A.Atnoorkar, T.A.Kadam
The present study deals with the anthracene degradation ability of diazotrophic bacteria. Twelve diazotrophic isolates having anthracene degradation ability were isolated from pertroleum contaminated sites. Potential isolate was selected on the basis of growth rate and percent degradation. This isolate was identified as Azotobactor vinelandii. Growth of Azotobactor vinelandii in a mineral salt medium with 0.178g; 1mmol of anthracene as a sole carbon source resulted cell density at 96 h with O.D. value 0.27.At the end of 96 h. cell count were 1.0 ï‚´ 1010 CFUmL-1 and 2.5 mgmL-1 of biomass.HPLC analysis of ethyl acetate extract at the end of 96 hours showed 40.74% degradation of anthracene. HPLC elution profile showed presence of anthracene degradation metabolites. GC-MS analysis of extract indicated degradation of anthracene with the formation of anthracene degradation products.