
Green synthesis and in vitro evaluation of silver nanoparticle embedded antibiofilm coatings

Y.V.Nancharaiah, Santanu Bera, V.P.Venugopalan

Biofilmgrowth iswidespread inmedical andindustrial settingswith serious healthand economic consequences. Bacterial growth on surfaces is problematicbecausebacteriawithinbiofilms showenhanced to antimicrobials. Silver-based antimicrobial agents receivedmuch attention due to better efficacyand broadspectrumactivity. Here,we report a novel and straight forward preparation of silver-embedded coatings for antibiofilmapplications.Rosin, a natural exudate from pine trees, enabled reduction of ionic silver (+) to nanoparticulate silver (0) and formation of a silver nanoparticle-embedded composite coating ontomaterial surfaces at ambient conditions. Formation ofAg(0) nanoparticleswas confirmed byUV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and field emission scanning electronmicroscopy. Silver-nanoparticle-embedded coatings prevented adhesion and biofilmformation byGram-positive and -negative bacteria. These coatings could find applications in controlling bacterial colonization in a varietyof settings.

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  • Pub Europeo

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