
Minesite monitoring system design and implementation

Yang Ziguang, Xu Hong

The coal industry in China's industrialbasepositioninindustry, is currently China and beyond for a long time with the main primary energy. However, due to the characteristics of the coal industry's own decision making coal mining operations is very dangerous, even if the technology developed is now, the probability of occurrence of coal mine accidents remains stubbornly high, occur frequently, bring about social insecurity factors, but also to countless families brought a huge threat. So how can weachieve the coal industry safety issue aroused people's attention, has become the primary problem we have now, you want to solve thisproblem, the implementation of the mine sitemonitoring is an important tool. In this paper, through the safety science, management theory and computer network technology, the use of knowledge to undertake a study on coal mine safety, coal mine site monitor ring system design. And domestic and international coal mine safety supervision relevant case analysis to identify the existence of the problems of coal mining enterprises to find a reasonable solution.

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  • Pub Europeo

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