
Model and Control Strategy of the Deadly Nipah Virus (NiV) Infections in Bangladesh

Haider Ali Biswas

Recent outbreaks of deadly nipah virus (NiV) causing serious human epidemic disease have been one of the most alarming concerns in the public health of Bangladesh. NiV is a newly detected highly pathogenic virus with ability to cause devastating morbidity and mortality (an estimated 100% in some cases) rate among the human populations. This emerging infectious disease has become the most alarming threats of the public health not only in Bangladesh but also in the world mainly due to its periodic outbreaks (as it strikes almost every year) and the highly devastating mortality rate. The aim of this paper is firstly to investigate the disease propagation and control strategy of NiV infections and secondly to analyze a mathematical model of the SIR-type epidemic disease of this deadly virus in the form of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The behavior of the dynamics of NiV infections has been illustrated by the numerical simulations.

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