
Role of core energy eigenvalues in the computation of the electronic transport properties of liquid alkaline earth metals Mg & Ca: HFP Technique

Jayprakash Yadav*, S.M.Rafique, Abhay Kumar, Md.Mehar Khan, Mamta Kumari

In the present paper we have studied the electrical resistivity (R) and the Knight shift (K%) of liquid alkaline earthmetalsMg and Ca using two sets of self consistently computed eigenvalues viz. those of Herman-Skillman (H)[1] and Clementi (C)[2] alongwith the Xá-exchange parameter vt, satisfying Virial theorem Schwartz[3] orthogonalisation hole parameter =1 Harrison[4] and Vashishta-Singwi[5] formof exchange correlation. Reasonable agreement has been obtained with experimental data. The impact of the choice of two sets of eigenvalues on the formfactor and the computed properties has been studied.

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