
Theoretical study of environmental concern characteristics of different possibleAOXcompounds formlignin of papermill effluent

M.P.S.Murali Krishna, G.S.Moses, K.V.S.G.Murali Krishna

In the present paper an attempt was made to study the extent of AOX formation as secondary pollutants from the lignin of the paper mill effluent under existing conditions of chloride level, ammonia level, PH and temperature. Itwas found at PH of 6-8 and natural roomtemperature conditions there was a rise of AOX content up to 17% within 12 hours and 32% of increase after 24 h when chloride ion concentration 30 mg/L and ammonia was not present. Where as in presence of 15 mg/L of ammonia there was an increase up to 2%in 12 hours and 44%rise in 24 hours. The theoretically possible chloro- compounds fromlignin building blockswere designed and their aqueous solubility at pH 7, log P, log D, adsorption coefficient and BCF values were obtained from computational methods using ACD lab soft ware and were compared to evaluate environmental concern possibilities.

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  • Laboratorios secretos de motores de búsqueda
  • Pub Europeo
  • Universidad de Barcelona

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