Effects of ethanolamine and ethylamine on the entropy content of the corrosion of aluminium in 1mol/l HCl solution
I.A.Akpan, N.O.Offiong
The corrosion inhibition of aluminiumin 1mol/l HCl in the presence of ethanolamine and ethylamine at roomtemperature was studied using the weight loss technique at room temperature (25oC). The results obtained show that ethylamine inhibits corrosionmore efficiently having had maximuminhibition efficiency of 95.80% against ethanolamineÂ’s 89.08%. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with decrease in concentration of the inhibitors and decrease in time. The thermodynamic parameters such as equilibrium constant (k), enthalpy (H) and entropy (S) were obtained through the theory of absolute reaction rates and its transition equations. The entropy of the aggressive ions was found to have significantly reduced on the introduction of the inhibitors into the corrodent medium.