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Analytical Chemistry: revista india dedicada a la publicación rápida de investigaciones originales y significativas en miniaturización de sistemas analíticos, bioanálisis, cromatografía, espectrometría de masas, electroforesis, electroquímica y teoría, práctica y aplicación básicas de la ciencia analítica y bioanalítica. Manipulación de muestras, espectroscopia atómica y molecular. Todas las contribuciones serán rigurosamente consideradas y seleccionadas en función de la calidad y originalidad del trabajo y la amplitud del interés de los lectores. La revista publica las nuevas investigaciones más importantes en todas las fases de la química analítica que se realizan actualmente en el mundo, asegurando así su prioridad científica.

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The editorial board of Química analytica: una revista india will consider for publication original articles, provided that the manuscript or none of its essential material, tables or figures have not been previously published in print or electronic form and have not been considered. Any other publication or electronic media.

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The editorial board of Química analytica: una revista india makes every effort to see that no false or misleading data, opinion or statements appear in Química analytica: una revista india. However, they wish to clarify that the data and opinions appearing in articles and advertisements herein are the responsibility of the respective contributor, sponsor or advertiser. Accordingly, the Editorial Board does not accept any responsibility for any wrongful consequences of incorrect data, opinion or statement. Every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other dosages are administered accurately.Nevertheless, readers are advised of the methods and techniques involved in drug use and other treatments described in Química analítica: una revista india.

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Química analítica: una revista india is a peer-reviewed journal, so all papers are evaluated by this body. If the paper follows the journal's objective, it will be sent to two or three independent reviewers selected by the authors.


The review process usually takes two weeks.

Peer review policy

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. To save time for authors and peer reviewers, only papers that meet our editorial criteria are sent for peer review. Those papers judged by the editors to be of insufficient public interest or inappropriate are immediately rejected without being outsourced.

Manuscripts judged to be of interest to our readers are sent for formal review, usually to two or three reviewers. The authors make a decision based on the advice of the reviewers from several possibilities:

Accept with minor revisions;
invite authors to revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before reaching a final decision;
Reject, but indicate to editors that further work may justify resubmission;
Reject outright, usually on grounds of specialist interest, lack of innovation, insufficient conceptual progress, or major technical and/or interpretive problems.
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The authors warrant that the manuscript is original and contains nothing libelous or illegal or invasive of personal privacy or in violation of any proprietary right or any statutory copyright.

10. Submission of Contributions

'Química analytica: una revista india' accepts manuscripts through online manuscript submission system.

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An author must provide the following materials at the time of submission:

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When authors cite unpublished information from other researchers who are not co-authors, copies of letters or an email message of permission should be attached. Reproduction of a manuscript containing copyrighted information must be with the permission of the copyright holder, which is not required when the information comes from Ciencia Comercial Inc.

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c. Type of Manuscript.

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C. Supplementary Information: Supplementary information files are uploaded at the same time as the manuscript. Procedures for preparing supporting information are discussed in Manuscripts and Preparing Supporting Information.

11. Copyright Transfer Agreement

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12. Article Processing Charges (APC):


Average Article Processing Time (APT) is 55 days

Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (Fee-Review Process):

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian journal participates in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional upfront payment of $99 in addition to the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that helps to get a quick response from the handling editor and a reviewer's review during the pre-review stage of the article. An author can get a pre-review response maximum of 3 days from submission, and a reviewer can get through the review process in a maximum of 5 days, followed by revision/publishing in 2 days.If the manuscript is notified for revision by the handling author, the external review by the previous reviewer or an alternate reviewer will take another 5 days.

Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by editorial board considerations and independent peer review, ensuring that the highest standards are maintained, whether through regular peer-reviewed publication or an expedited editorial review process. The handling author and article contributor are responsible for adherence to scientific standards. If the article is rejected or withdrawn for publication, the article-review process fee of $99 is non-refundable.

The corresponding author or institution/institution is responsible for paying the fee-review process for the manuscript. An additional fee—the review process fee—includes expedited review processing and expedited editorial decisions, and typical article publication includes preparation in various formats for online publication, preserving full-text inclusion in multiple permanent archives such as HTML, XML, and PDF. and catering to various coding agencies.


13. Preparation of signature and supporting information

Manuscript structure

The sections of the manuscript are (i) Title, (ii) Authors and addresses, (iii) Corresponding author email address, (iv) Abstract, (v) Summary, (vi) Keywords, (vii) Introduction, (viii) Materials and Methods, (ix) Units, (x) Theory/Calculation, (xi) Appendices, (xii) Mathematical Formulas, (xiii) Tables, (xiv) Graphics, (xv) Results and Discussion (may be separate), (xvi) Conclusions (Optional), (xvii) Acknowledgment (Optional), (xviii) Notes and Footnotes, (xix) Supporting Information.

i.Title: The title should be accurate, clear, grammatically correct and concisely reflect the importance and content of the manuscript. The wording of the title is important for correct awareness alert and information retrieval. Words should be carefully chosen to convey information about the content and act as indenting terms. Abbreviations should be avoided.

ii.Authors and Addresses: Authors. Even the manuscript includes the names of all those who made substantial contributions to the works, using first names, middle names, and surnames actually written by one person. At least one author should be indicated with an asterisk (*) as the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. The names and addresses of the company(ies) that performed the work should be listed in the following paragraph. If this is different from the current address, this should be noted in the footer.

iii. Corresponding Author Email Address : Corresponding author email address should be placed on a separate line below the institutional addresses.

iv.Abstracts: Define nonstandard abbreviations in this field in a footnote placed on the first page of the article. Such abbreviations which are unavoidable in the abstract should be defined in their first reference and footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the essay.

v.Compression: Compression is used directly for compression in various compression services. It should briefly state the purpose of the work and key findings in not more than 200 words.

vi.Keywords: 5-6 keywords should be given directly below the abstract.

vii.Introduction: The introduction should place the work in an appropriate context and clearly state the aim and objectives of the research. A comprehensive review of previous works is not appropriate and documentation of relevant background literature should be selective rather than exhaustive, especially if reviews are cited.

viii.Materials & Methods: Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Already published methods should be referenced by reference: only relevant changes should be described.

ix.Units: Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: Use the International System of Units (SI). If other quantities are specified, give the equivalent in SI.

x.Theory/Computation: A theory section deals with the background of the essay already in the introduction and lays the foundation for further work. In contrast, a computational division represents a practical development on a theoretical basis.

xi.Appendices: If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, etc. Separate numbers should be given to the formulas and equations in the appendices: Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; In the next appendix, Eq. (P.1) and so on.

xii. Mathematical Formulas: Present simple formulas in a line of plain text, using a solid (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fraction terms, eg, X/Y. In principle, variables should be presented in italics. Powers of e are often more conveniently denoted by exp. Number consecutively any equations (if explicitly mentioned in the text) that should appear separately from the text.

xiii.Tables: Use of tables is encouraged to present data in a space-efficient manner. In the manuscript word-processor file, tables should be inserted next to the first mention in the text. They should be created with the Table Formatting feature of Word Processor. Each data entry must be placed in its own table cell; Tabs and tax returns should not be used within cells. Arrangements that partially fill multiple columns should be avoided.

Footnotes in tables should be given lowercase italic letter names and should be cited in tables with lowercase italic superscript letters. The sequence of characters must be consecutive, and must be left-to-right in any sequence with more than one footnote. When a reference is cited in the text and table, the letter footnote in the table should indicate the text reference number. At the top of each table should be typed in bold type, sequential Arabic table number and a short descriptive heading. A table with one or more graphics is considered a single graphic for a journal product.The table number header and any footnotes should not be included in the graphic, but should be typed into the signature text file.

xiv.Graphics: All graphics (charts) should be produced in digital format and inserted into the manuscript word processor file next to their first reference in the text. Graphics appearing in black and white or grayscale may not be submitted in color. If areas in a graphic created by a graphics program are to be shaded or filled with parallel lines or intersections, gray shading should be used whenever possible while allowing the graphic to be processed as line art rather than grayscale art. The authors encourage the use of color in manuscript graphics as important to clarity of presentation.

The quality of the graphics published in the magazine depends on the quality of the graphic images provided by the editors. Digital graphics must have a minimum resolution. Black and white line art 1200dpi Grayscale art 600dpiColor art 300dpi For consistency of appearance, all similar graphics should share a common graphic style and font. Drawings are made with a standard drawing program - a highly desirable advanced version of ChemDraw. Drawings made with CorelDraw 13. A resolution of 300 dpi is sufficient for scanned halftone images. Scanned figures compressed with JPEG usually present no problems.

xv.Results & Discussion: Presentation of experimental details in Results & Discussion section should be minimal. Repetition of information clearly shown in tables, figures, or reaction schemes should be avoided.

xvi.Conclusions: If an optional conclusion section is used, its content should not substantially duplicate the abstract.

xvii.Acknowledgement: This section can be used to acknowledge useful discussions with colleagues, technical assistance, gifts of starting materials or reference samples.

xiii. Notes and Footnotes: Authors should be judicious in citing the literature; An unnecessarily long list of references should be avoided. Excerpts from previously published reported work in any articles, communications, letters, patents, theses, and conference abstracts must be cited in long footnotes; Additional data and peripheral discussion should be placed in supporting information rather than in footnotes. All references and footnotes should be placed together in a list at the end of the manuscript.They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of the first quotation in the text, and the corresponding numbers should be inserted in the appropriate places in the text as quotation numbers with square brackets. It is important that authors check their accuracy.

Journal AKBose, MSManhas, M.Ghosh, M.Shah, VS Raju, SSBari, SNNewaz, BKBanik, AGChauthary, KJBarakat; J.Org.Chem., 56, 6998 (1991).

Book T.Greene, W.Wuts; 'PGM Protecting Groups in Organic Synthesis', 2nd Ed., John-Wiley; New York, (1991).

Book chapter EGKauffmann;The Fabric of Cretaceous Marine Extinctions, pg.151-248, in WABeggren, JAVan, Couvering Ed., 'Catastrophes and Earth History', Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ) (1984).

In press A. Tandia, R. Singh, S. Kathuria, C. Merion, G. Morgan; A. Loupy; Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (in press).

Dissertation L.Clegg; Morphology of Clonal Development and Its Relation to Population Dynamics of Perennial Plants, PhD Dissertation, University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom.

Master's Thesis S.Bhan;Growth of Grass Shrimp in Contaminated and Uncontaminated Sites, Master's Thesis, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark (1997).

Newspaper N.Kowlofsky; Oil Spills Have Massive Effects on Plants, New York Times, 29 March, pB2 (1998).

Papers submitted RLPKleiman, RSHedin, HMEdnborn; Biological Treatment of Mine Water Perspectives, paper presented at the Second International Conference on Acid Drainage Abatement, Montreal, Canada, September 16-18 (1991).

Report [USEPA] US Environmental Protection Agency; United States, Washington (DC): Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Report No.EPA/ 530R-92-019 (1992).

Website In parentheses, show the date, the date the site you checked was last accessed to make sure the site is still online, and the semicolon-separated URL. Do not use ending punctuation.

xix Supporting Information

Material that is not required to read the papers but should be available to document experiments or calculations for future researchers should be included in 'Supplementary Information'.

14. Sources

Evidence will be sent electronically. Only typographical corrections and other minor changes may be made in mock proof. Any major changes will require editorial approval and may delay publication.

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