Experimental Study on Portable Mini Solar Pond Using Salt and Pebbles
Sathish D, Veeramanikandan M and Tamilselvan R
Solar ponds are water bodies; it is used as a solar collector with integrated storage. Salt gradient solar pond is a pool of water where the solar energy is trapped due to imposed salinity gradient and pebbles. Three zones can be identified in this pond, (i.e.) Upper convective zone -UCZ Non-convective zone-NCZ, Lower convective zone-LCZ. The top and bottom zones are the convective zones and an intermediate zone which is non-convective. Inter mediate zone is also act as a transparent insulation and it allows the storage of the solar energy at the lower convective zone, where the heat can be used when required. Pond is built-up by using plywood with a thickness of 2 cm and its dimensions of top and bottom surface area of 1.75 m2 × 1 m2 with a depth of 0.5 m and inclined at an angle of 45°C. It is insulated by HDPE sheet thickness of 1 mm and a glass is placed on the top of the pond thickness of 4 mm. In this research to store the solar energy in the lower zone of pond used sodium chloride salt and pebbles. Then the stored heat is measured by using thermocouples. The observed temperature for NaCl salt is 65°C and that of pebbles is 45°C.