
Formal Synthesis Of Tetramethyl 1-O-Methyl Curculigine Aglycon

Dattatraya N. Bhangare, Vilas B. Mahale, Mahendra N, Lokhande, Rohit G. Shinde, Sneha C. Pisolkar, P. D. Pawar and Milind D. Nikalje.

 Curculigine isolated from the rhizomes of Curculigo capitulate and Curculigo recurvata plants of Hypoxidaceae family found potent against arrhythmia. Due to their biological importance we achieved the formal synthesis of Tetramethyl derivative of 1-O-Methyl curculigine Aglycon by applying Jacobsen’s hydrolytic and kinetic resolution strategy. Key intermediate was synthesized in four steps with 27% overall yield and 86% enantioselectivity.

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