
The Effect of Nickel Ion on the Morphology and Adhesion Properties of Zinc Phosphate Coating

H Zarei and R Hosseini Rad

In this work, nickel ion was added to a phosphate solution in various amounts (0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 g/L). After applying phosphate coating as primer, epoxy coating using electrostatic spray was applied on the substrate. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the surface of the samples show that the coatings formed in the phosphate bath containing 5 g/L of nickel are more uniform and have smaller porosity. While the coatings formed in the electrolyte without nickel ion have a coarse structure with larger porosities. The results of adhesion test also show that adhesion strength for samples formed in a bath containing 5 g/L is higher than others.

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